Lincoln Gymnastics Club

Rhythmic Gymnastics

During seven years of its existence, the Lincoln Gymnastics Club was, thanks to Dr. Loewenberger (Phys. Ed professor at Brock University) able to use the gym of the Teacher's College at the University, seven days a week, free of charge! This was a tremendous and greatly appreciated gift to the club!
Here is a photo of Kelly Moligian, leaping in front of Brock U:

Donna Kadwell did both Artistic and Modern Gymnastics in the beginning, but eventually focused only on RG. She went to the World Championships in Amsterdam, Holland, in 1973. Donna and Lorna Campbell were the two first Canadians to compete internationally in Modern Gymnastics (in Bulgaria 1972).

Donna Kadwell with Marta Selmeczi

Donna and Lorna travelling:
In Vienna:

Canadian team to the Worlds in Holland 1973. Donna Kadwell is top left.

With the team are Evelyn Koop and Tamara Bompa, to the right, with the pianist.

The Canadian team to the World Championships in Madrid, Spain 1975.

From left: coach Marta Selmeczi, judge Marian Roman, Kelly Moligian ,
6th is Carrie Whyte, 7th Ann-Mari Wong, and 8th Maryl Fraser:

Below left: the team before leaving. Below right: Lincoln Artistic gymnasts presenting gifts to the team members.
The team training for RG Worlds in Spain 1975:

From left: Maryl Fraser, Ann-Marie Wong (front), Carrie Whyte (back), and Kelly Moligian (centre).

From left: Kelly Moligian , Ann-Marie Wong, Carrie Whyte, Maryl Fraser

(Carrie was National Pre-Masters Champion in 1974

Nationals 1975: Pre-Masters. 1st: Anne Marie Wong, 2nd Carrie Whyte (3rd Janet Campbell)

Left: Ann-Marie Wong, Carrie Whyte, Lorna Campbell, Kelly Moligian at the back (1975)

Above: Kelly Moligian (jumping), Donna Kadwell, Lorna Campbell (?), Carrie Whyte, Kim Watson (1976)
Kim was National Masters Champion in 1977.

Kelly Moligian
and Ann-Marie Wong were part of the Canadian team to the World Championships in Basel, Switzerland 1977

Ann-Marie Wong was Pre-Masters National Champion in 1975, got bronze at the Nationals as Senior Master in 1977 and silver at the Provincials 1978.

Mapel Leaf Meet, Toronto July 1976

Marta with
Tamara Takoch, National Child champion 1980

Sandy Magee
Ontario Champion 1980
Level 1 bronze medal at the
Nationals 1979 - National Team member.


Laurie White, Sandy Magee, Barb Milligan (1980)


Kim Turner (1989)

Kristin Douglas, Ontario All-Around Pre-Master Champion (1984)

Lisa Sinclair

Lisa Sulyok, Ontario Champion. Went to the
RG Worlds in Strassbourg in 1983.

Jennifer Hopkins, Laurie White, Jennifer Cantor, all champions 1983: The first two in Modern Gymnastics, Cantor in Artistic Gymnastics.

Marta Selmeczi with her gymnasts
from left: Kristin Douglas, Lisa Sinclair, Jennifer Hopkins
in front: Jennifer Moscato

Donna Miotto at the back, Jennifer Hopkins, Mrs. Selmeczi and Jennifer Moscato in front
From right: Jennifer Hopkins, Marta Selmeczi and Jennifer Moscato (plus two gymnasts from Seneca) at Debrecen, Hungary
Jennifer Hopkins and Jennifer Moscato
Nicole McNulty
Novice 4


Holly Sassi , Ontario Senior Champion

(above & right)
Below: These gymnasts were the Ontario Senior Group Champions for three years!

Hayley Bishop, Holly Sassi, Danielle Dobi

and, in front, Fiona MacIntosh

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